LCT Staff Application - Early Acceptance
Early Acceptance Application Deadline: January 20th, 2025​
LCT 2025 Dates:
Staff Training (Required): Thursday, June 26th - Saturday, June 28th
Camp Dates: Saturday, June 28th - Friday, July 4th
The adventure that is LCT is a serious undertaking that can have a powerful, positive impact on both campers and staff. The fact that you are interested in serving as a staff member at LCT says something significant about who you are as a person. If you persevere through the application, training, and camp week you will grow as a young man of generosity, service, and responsibility.
This application is meant to be the beginning of a conversation and an instrument for personal reflection and action. We hope for honest, thoughtful responses, not “perfect answers.”
Please note that this is the Early Acceptance Application. It serves two purposes
1. It can save time for you and us. This application is shorter than the regular one.
2. Completing this application allows us to have a discussion with you to identify areas of improvement well in advance of LCT. If you are not accepted based on this "early acceptance" application, your struggle and improvement in the areas identified can make you more likely to be accepted with the "regular acceptance" application.
After reviewing the submitted applications, we will send out "early acceptances" by January 31st, 2025. If you are not accepted based on this application, you are encouraged to meet with someone at the center you go to (Westcott, Montevista, Wingren) to discuss areas of improvement before submitting the second round application.
We look forward to hearing from you!​