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Leadership for America

About LFA

If one seeks to lead others towards the good, both for the individual and for society, one must first strive for wisdom.  Leadership for America is an annual summer series that challenges high school students to ask big questions.  Each year LFA tackles a topic that is both relevant to man today, and to every man. Throughout the week the underlying principles of leadership, based on the natural law, freedom of conscience, and democratic ideals, are studied in the light of Judeo-Christian values and revealed truths.


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LFA 2025
Young Leadership

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LFA 2025: Young Leadership is designed to help young men see their high school years from the viewpoint of their entire life. The classes will encourage the development of skills and attitudes necessary for embracing future life challenges in a way a man striving to become great ought to. The combination of classes and one-on-one mentoring will help to develop character and responsibility for:  


Friendship - Professional Work - Marriage and Fatherhood - Family Life -  Spiritual Life


Topics to be Covered:


What we mean by Seeking the Good


What we mean by Striving for Wisdom


What we mean by Freedom of Conscience


What we mean by Democratic Ideals


What we mean by The Truth


What we mean by Virtues to Lead


What we mean by Leading with Others


What we mean by Learning to Lead


Seminar Leader: Cliff Cobb is from Wimbledon in South London, England and for some forty years ran Kelston Club, a center of Opus Dei for schoolboys which opened in 1964.  The boys would come twice a week with the main emphasis being on study, enhanced by a whole host of sporting and formative activities. Well over twenty schools would be represented in the membership of some one hundred and fifty boys. Professionally, Cliff worked in publishing, and since the 1980’s has specialized on new technologies. Cliff is now the director of Edenbrook, a center in South East London for local families and those who send their children to The Cedars school, where many residents of Edenbrook teach. Since the Covid lockdowns in the UK, Cliff has been writing books on his experiences and knowledge of young people, on catechism, and has recently branched out into writing novels in the genre of spy thrillers, whodunnits and science fiction. These are novels without sleaze, bad language, or bad attitudes, but draw the reader on from page to page. Click here for a full catalogue of Cliff's works.

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Monday, June 16th to

Saturday, June 21st

Faculty & Staff


Clifford Cobb

Director | Edenbrook Center

Writer & Publisher| Gatesby Publishing

B.A. History| University of London 


Daniel Carr

Director of Advisory | Western Academy

M.A. Political Science | University of Dallas

Alex Hoff

Head of Middle School | Western Academy
B.A. Theater, Film and Television | UCLA

Cost & Registration

$475/covering room, board, seminars, and all activities

Payment will be requested only upon acceptance to the program

Apply directly through the "Apply Now" button

Questions?  Email us:

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