High School & Beyond
About HSB
As you begin high school, college may seem like something in the far distant future. It is not. Before long, you will be taking the SAT, going to college fairs, and poring meticulously over applications. Your options in choosing colleges will be determined by your performance in high school, which begins with your freshman year. A smart entering 9th grader will begin planning his high school career before he even walks through the school doors on the first day of class.
Are you ready to make the most out of High School?
High School & Beyond is a program designed to help responsible students make the most of their high school years and maximize their college opportunities. It makes use of a well-crafted curriculum combining lectures, readings, discussions, strategy games, and team sports. The program challenges students to think critically and to establish goals and pursue them energetically.
High School & Beyond also emphasizes the need to grow in character at the same time as one develops one’s intellectual life. The program promotes the idea that one’s high school career should be seen not only as an opportunity to pursue self-development, but also, and more importantly, as an opportunity to learn to put one’s talents at the service of others—in short, to become a leader.
HSB 2025 Dates
Sunday, June 8th (4pm-9pm)
Monday, June 9th-12th (9am-9pm)
Friday, June 13th (9am-10pm)
Saturday, June 14th (11am-1pm)
Dan Murphy
Western Academy, Houston
Assistant Director
Alex Hoff
Head of Middle School
Western Academy, Houston
Michael Flynn
Head of High School
Aquinas Academy, Pittsburgh
Cost & Registration
$495: Lunch and dinner provided
Payment will be requested only upon acceptance to the program.
Apply directly through a "Apply Now" button