Club Anvil Counselors
Counselor Requirements
The requirements for a high school student to be considered as a counselor at Club Anvil are:
Commitment and availability to be able to attend Club Anvil sessions.
Attendance to at least one Club Anvil training session. These take place at the beginning of the school year but can be done on an as-needed basis as well.
Attendance to monthly mentoring sessions.
Attendance to sessions for The Grade monthly seminar (7:30PM-8:30PM on a weekday).
Demonstrated commitment to regular formation at Westcott through activities like Saturday meditations, monthly recollections, study nights, and a summer program like LFA or HSB.
Demonstrated maturity to guide the Club Anvil participants to the path of virtue by word and example.
See the Club Anvil page in the Middle School section for more information
Those interested in applying should contact
Johann at jdsouza@udallas.edu